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Welcome to the NuttyCraft forums! Please register if you wish to join our epic server! Check the "Server Announcements" thread for any news! Read the "FAQ's" for answers to the constantly asked questions and also if your new, INTRODUCE YOURSELF! (We made a thread specifically for it =D) (From the date of the 13th of September) The admin team consists of: (Owner) Acornty (Admins) Adubbz, Steel_pig, Idontkn0w, Hellaking and Darkvandal. If the server is down for more than a week check the forums to see if our friend Flammendrew made us a "Backup Server"
Server Status (Flammendrew's Server)
Flammendrew's Minecraft Server Since the server will be whitelisted and only have 5 players max there is no point in voting for it to make it popular :P
Flash Games
On this page you can find all the current flash games we have: Below you can vote for the best flash game you think we have. To complain about people not voting for the right game post a reply here: *NOTE*: Votes CAN be changed by pressing "cancel vote" on the poll in the forum post linked above.
What is the best flash game we currently have?
Donation Page! I_vote_lcap29%Donation Page! I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 2 ]
Final Ninja
Donation Page! I_vote_lcap14%Donation Page! I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
Commando 3
Donation Page! I_vote_lcap57%Donation Page! I_vote_rcap
 57% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 7


 Donation Page!

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Admin (NC)

Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-10
Location : Wouldn't you like to know...

Donation Page! Empty
PostSubject: Donation Page!   Donation Page! I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2011 9:56 pm

well folks, this server needs donations, cause I'm a poor teenage boy without a job. the purpose of this thread will be to inform you of what your prizes are when you donate.

1. how ever many dollars you donated, you get a zero added on to that. that number is the number of diamonds you get
(I.E: Bob donates 5 dollars. add on a 0 to 5 and you get 50. bob then gets 50 diamonds
2. sexy orange name
3. Admin priority for help/jobs
4. lots and lots of minecraft monez
5. access to "secret" fun mods
6. access to a sick lounge.
7. you get that feeling of amzingness
8. the server will be running WAY smoother because of you.

this list might grow!

if you would like to donate. please send me cash through paypal. my paypal address is Send an email to that same address if you've donated, saying you've donated and the amount you donated.
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