Well since apparently i'm not allowed to post in the events section i will post here. So anyway today i will be announcing a project i have decided to create: The Amazing RaceMinecraft: Mad Acorn For all those who watch that show you know the drill "Travel around and complete challenges" But it will have a few limits as it would take FAR too long to make the entire full on thing. Firstly the project will not start until the server is back to it's normal
self. Secondly i need my internet to cooperate. And finally i need a team of helpers. I'm not interested in any "Steady Eddys or Cautious Carols" I want someone who will be awesome and knows how to build GOOD stuff. You heard me GOOD stuff. More details shall be released later on.
Also i need some kind of banner thing maybe? XD "Advertisement banner at spawn"
What does everybody think of this idea? Good?,Bad? It's an attempt to amuse myself and others so i'd assume it'd be something worth doing
EDIT: The reason it's called "Mad Acorn" Is because i couldn't come up with any other name ALSO we will be using a new map for the OFFICIAL server map so it will be a nice "introduction event"