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Server Status (Flammendrew's Server)
Flammendrew's Minecraft Server Since the server will be whitelisted and only have 5 players max there is no point in voting for it to make it popular :P
Flash Games
On this page you can find all the current flash games we have: Below you can vote for the best flash game you think we have. To complain about people not voting for the right game post a reply here: *NOTE*: Votes CAN be changed by pressing "cancel vote" on the poll in the forum post linked above.
What is the best flash game we currently have?
Log in I_vote_lcap29%Log in I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 2 ]
Final Ninja
Log in I_vote_lcap14%Log in I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
Commando 3
Log in I_vote_lcap57%Log in I_vote_rcap
 57% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 7
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